Fat Shredder P90x Recipes

P90x Shopping List for Week 1 - Fat Shredder Phase This is absolutely the most challenging part for me in doing both the p90x project and in general just maintaining a healthy weight. I struggle with making the time, space and organization to plan what I eat, shop, unpack and then have the energy to fix the foods I. P90X Phase 1 Fat Shredder: MEAL PLAN, RECIPES, SHOPPING; P90x Meal Plan - P90x Diet Plan on a Budget Free Downloads P90x Meal Plan - All You Need To Know About The P90X Meal Plan; P90X Meal Plan Help. Hey everyone, I’ve been back on P90X now for almost 2 weeks now and don’t really have a strict meal plan. Wondering if anyone is willing to.

Many of our team members on Sweet Life Fitness ask if they should drink shakeology with P90X, P90X2, or P90X3. This is an interesting question, because if you haven’t been here to Sweet Life Fitness before, you’ll quickly find out that I find nutrition as that secret key to fitness success. When it comes to P90X Shakeology, it is only helpful if you use it to benefit your workout program. I’ll explain what I mean by that today along with sharing my own personal “power shake” recipe that works well with the P90X series.

P90X Shakeology : How to Eat Right to Benefit your Workout Program

Instead of leading you on a wild goose chase of how great Shakeology is, and how you should buy it with my unintelligent, slimy sales pitch, I’m going to give you some actual facts. My hope is that it will be valuable to you.

When I first started P90X, I didn’t use Shakeology. I decided; why not just eat “healthier”. More chicken, more salads, less bad fast food.
It worked to a point, but not to the point that I wanted it to work. I then learned that how you eat, once you know HOW to eat, is what gets you to be successful at programs like P90X.

You can eat healthy, but it’s about the right blend and balance, which is what P90X Shakeology can provide

You need a healthy balance of protein, carbs, and fat. For P90X Fat Shredder, it’s 50% Protein, 30% Carbs, and 10% Fat. For P90X3 Nutrition: 30% Protein, 40% Carbs, 30% fat. (For tips on how to track this, check out How to Use MyFitnessPal).

For ultimate success with P90X Shakeology and your daily nutrition, listen up. Even if you are on a calorie-deficit to lose weight, you MUST space out your meals. Every 2.5-3 hours you should be eating, and always avoiding that “hungry feeling”


Because studies have shown time and time again that eating small meals through the course of the day speeds up the metabolism.
If you and a buddy eat 1900 calories per day to lose fat, and you eat every 2.5-3 hours, and he/she only eats 3 large meals equaling 1900 calories, you are more than likely to lose more fat.

This is because your friend only feeds their stomach when it’s hungry, so our body naturally stores the food energy as fat in order to make sure it has enough to survive.

Crazy right?

But how does this fit into P90X Shakeology? Because Shakeology boasts the 70 healthy ingredients and 23 vitamins and minerals. These are things you just don’t get in your daily “eating healthy” diet.

More and more doctor’s urge us to supplement if we want to live a healthy and lean life, and combining P90X and Shakeology is one viable option. But how do you get the most out of it? Through my Power Shake that I’ll talk about next.

My P90X Shakeology Recipe

Fat Shredder P90x Recipes

I have crafted my own P90X Shakeology power shake. In order to eat every 2.5-3 hours, I have to make sure that I have stuff to eat! Not only that, I aim to fit it into the protein/carb balance so I know I’m getting the best nutrition for P90X and my other workouts (like the new P90X3!).

I use Shakeology as my lunch, so that I’m not tempted with fast food (which ends up costing more than all of my “Power Shake” ingredients combined).

Check out the video for my P90X Shakeology story and shake. I’ll also post the ingredients below the video along with where you can get them and the nutritional facts.

In order to make the P90X Shakeology “Power Shake”, here is what you do:

FIRST – make this for Breakfast or Lunch. Don’t use it for a snack or for dinner as it isn’t optimized for later night eating. If you need help with figuring out how to balance your meals, feel free to Contact Me and we can work together to figure it out. If you want to use Shakeology for dinner or snaking, just use the shake alone without my extras.

This is my power shake nutrition facts (estimated but not exact) For those doing Plans D-F in P90X3, or a healthy lean mass diet

POWER SHAKE Recipe (for those wanting to get lean muscle mass or are on Plan D-F P90X3 Nutrition)

  • One Scoop of Shakeology
  • One Tablespoon of Planter’s Natural Peanut Butter (you can use any brand, this is just what I happen to use. Aim for natural peanut butter though)
  • Two Scoops, Optimum Nutrition Natural Whey Protein
  • One Medium-Large size Banana
  • (Blend to Taste, add Ice if you want it to taste like a smoothie)

LEAN SHAKE Recipe (for those on P90X Fat Shredder or Plan A-C on P90X3 Nutrition)

  • One Scoop of Shakeology
  • One TEASpoon of Planter’s Natural Peanut Butter
  • One Scoop, Optimum Nutrition Natural Whey Protein
  • One Half of a Banana (or one Small Banana)
  • For those wanting a more lean version of my Power Shake recipe

    (Blend to Taste, add Ice if you want it to taste like a smoothie)

  • Want it even more lean? Do Everything and subtract the banana completely.

So that is what I use for P90X Shakeology. I love this recipe, and quite honestly drink it everyday. It doesn’t really get old for me (but then again I tend to be a bland eater!).

If you have any questions, let me know below. You can also try Shakeology yourself by getting it below and saving on Shipping with Home-Direct (you can cancel Home Direct anytime and still save on shipping).

If you want to get a discount on Shakeology, get it in the P90X Challenge Pack. You’ll get the P90X program and Shakeology for only $91 (vs $129). Just click the banner below.

Questions? Just comment below and let’s chat

Yours in Fitness Success,

Coach Bob

We begin Week 4 tomorrow, which marks the final week of Phase 1, Fat Shredder. Fat Shredder only allows one serving of a traditional carbohydrate per day (ie bread or pasta), and therefore we are fairly limited on what we can eat. We eat eggs for breakfast every day and we eat a salad with plenty of meat for lunch. We always reserve our carbohydrate for dinner since we usually workout in the morning and it’s easier to eat a salad for lunch than it is for dinner. I am going to share some of my favorite P90X Phase 1 recipes with you in this post.

As mentioned in a previous post, we buy most of our meat at Costco and the majority of our vegetables and sauces at Trader Joes, so some of these recipes have ingredients from those stores. All recipes were made with 18 ounces of meat, 6 ounces for me (Level) and 12 ounces for Mike (Level 3). I don’t measure vegetables so measurements aren’t exact! Go with what you prefer.

Rosemary Pork Tenderloin and Savory Sweet Potato “Fries”with Asparagus


  • 18 ounce pork tenderloin
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tsp dried rosemary
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp pepper

Mix garlic, rosemary, salt and pepper together and coat tenderloin well with the mixture. Bake covered in foil at 350 degrees until the center temperature reaches 160 degrees (buy a meat thermometer – they are only about $4).

Sweet Potatoes

  • 2 medium sweet potatoes
  • 2 tbsp olive oil (1 tbsp per person)
  • 2 tsp taco seasoning

Puncture a sweet potatoes a couple times with a knife and microwave for about five –eight minutes, until sweet potatoes are soft but not fully cooked. Let cool (while pork cooks) and then slice into french-fry like portions. Mix olive oil and taco seasoning together well. Put sweet potato slices into a gallon-size zip lock bag and pour the taco seasoning mix over it. Shake until all fries are coated. Place fries onto a foil-covered baking sheet.

Once the pork has reached 160, remove it and leave covered. Turn oven to 425 degrees and put fries in. At this point, start the asparagus (either use a steamer or place them in shallow water in a frying pan and boil).

Remove fries from oven when they appear to be getting crispy (about fifteen minutes). Slice pork and serve!

Portions: 1 Carb, 2 Protein (Level 1) or 4 Protein (Level 3), 1 Vegetable, 1 Fat.

(Approximately 570 calories for Level 1, 770 for Level 3)

Yellow Chicken Curry with Brown Rice

  • 18 ounces chicken
  • 1 cup brown rice, uncooked
  • ½ cup chicken broth
  • Frozen stir-fry veggies
  • 2 cloves garlic (optional)
  • Yellow curry powder (optional)
  • Trader Joe’s Yellow Curry Sauce
  • Garlic Salt

Cook brown rice according to directions on the bag (or use Trader Joe’s pre-cooked organic brown rice).

Cut chicken into tender size slices and place in a skillet with the chicken broth. Sprinkle garlic salt and yellow curry powder over the chicken and cook on medium heat until the chicken is cooked through.

In a separate skillet, sauté the stir-fry veggies with the garlic. The water should produce enough moisture so that you don’t have to use olive oil, but if necessary, use a small amount of olive oil (1/2 tsp).

After everything is cooked, mix veggies and chicken and add 4 tbsp of Trader Joe’s Yellow Curry Sauce and serve over 1 cup of rice.

Servings: 1 Carb, 2 Protein (6 oz, Level 1) or 4 Protein (12 oz, Level 3), 1 Condiment, 1 Vegetable

P90x Fat Shredder Pdf

(Approximately 500 calories for Level 1, 700 for Level 3)

P90x Fat Shredder Guide

Salmon & Mediterranean Couscous with Asparagus


Fat Shredder P90x Recipes Smoothies

  • Three 6-ounce packages of Morey’s Marinated Wild Alaskan Salmon (or 18 ounces of salmon with lemon, salt, pepper)
  • 1 cup dry whole-wheat couscous
  • 2 ounces feta cheese
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/3 cup chopped cucumber
  • 1/3 cup chopped red bell pepper (or roasted red peppers)
  • 1/3 cup chopped red onion
  • Salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning
  • Asparagus

Bake salmon at 375 degrees for 30 minutes, until salmon is fully cooked through the center. With about 15 minutes to go, begin steaming asparagus. Then, mix feta, chopped cucumber, bell pepper, onion and seasonings (season to your liking) together. In a large sauce pan, bring 1 cup water and 1 tbsp olive oil to a boil. Remove from heat and pour 1 cup dry couscous into the sauce pan. Stir well and cover. Let stand for 5 minutes. Add veggie and cheese mixture and fluff. Measure 1 cup couscous mixture and serve with salmon and asparagus.

Servings: 1 Carb, 2 Protein (Level 1) or 4 Protein (Level 2), 1.5 Vegetable, 1 dairy, 1 fat (1/2 from oil, half from marinade on Morey’s salmon. Reduce fat and about 120 calories by using fresh salmon flavored with lemon and don’t use olive oil in the couscous).

(Approximately 700 calories for Level 1, 900 for Level 3)

Chicken Fajita Burritos

  • 18 ounces chicken, cut into small chunks
  • ¼ packet fajita seasoning mix
  • ½ bell pepper (I like red)
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Mushrooms
  • Several slices of white onion (you decide how much)
  • 2 whole-wheat tortillas (we like Mission whole-wheat wraps)
  • Guacamole: 1 avocado, ½ medium tomato, chopped red onion, a few shakes of Lawry’s salt.
  • Salsa

Sprinkle chicken with salt and some fajita mix and cook in a skillet. In a separate skillet, sauté garlic, bell peppers, onion and mushrooms (use a small amount of olive oil if necessary). Meanwhile, prepare guacamole (mix all ingredients above). When vegetables are fully cooked, mix a small amount of fajita mix with ¼ cup water and pour on vegetables. Increase heat and boil off the water. Heat tortillas on a clean skillet over medium-high heat for 15 seconds per side. Add ingredients on top the tortilla (for Level 3 you may need to have some of that chicken on the side since it probably won’t fit into one tortilla), attempt to form into a burrito, and enjoy!

Portions: 1 Carbohydrate, 2 Protein (Level 1) or 4 Protein (Level 3), 1 Fat, 1 Vegetable

(Approximately 550 calories for Level 1, 750 calories for Level 3)

Obviously all of these recipes can be modified to meet your caloric and portion-size needs as well as personal taste preferences (I like garlic and onion- not everyone does!). For example, I don’t always use the feta in the couscous because I typically get my two dairy servings earlier in the day. I also have to make sure to save my fat serving for days that we have the salmon or sweet potato fries.

Bon Appetite!

P90x Recipe Book
